Network Access Functions These functions provide a layer of indirection between the TCP routines and upper level routines. This makes it possible to insert additional code (e.g. privacy or checksum handling). NETSTREAM *net_open (char *host,char *service,unsigned long port); host host name service contact service name port contact port number This function opens a TCP connection to the given host and service or port. NETSTREAM *net_aopen (NETMBX *mb,char *service,char *usrbuf); NETMBX parsed mailbox specification service stream to open (at present, only /etc/rimapd is used) usrbuf buffer to return login user name This function attempts to open a preauthenticated connection to the given mailbox and service. It will return the login user name of the preauthenticated connection, as well as an open network stream, if successful. char *net_getline (NETSTREAM *stream); stream network stream to read This routine reads a text line from the stream. It calls stream->dtb->getline, which normally points to tcp_getline() but can be set to some other function. long net_getbuffer (void *stream,unsigned long size,char *buffer); stream network stream to read size length of data in octets buffer buffer of at least size octets This routine reads data from the stream. It calls stream->dtb->getbuffer, which normally points to tcp_getbuffer() but can be set to some other function. long net_soutr (NETSTREAM *stream,char *string); stream network stream to write string null-terminated string to output This routine writes a null-terminated string to the stream. It calls stream->dtb->soutr, which normally points to tcp_soutr() but can be set to some other function. long net_sout (NETSTREAM *stream,char *string,unsigned long size); stream network stream to write string string to output size length of string in octets This routine writes a string of length size to the stream. It calls stream->dtb->sout, which normally points to tcp_sout() but can be set to some other function. void net_close (NETSTREAM *stream); stream stream to close This routine closes the stream. It calls stream->dtb->close, which normally points to tcp_close() but can point to some other function. char *net_host (NETSTREAM *stream); stream stream to inspect This routine returns the remote host name of the stream. It calls stream->dtb->host, which normally points to tcp_host() but can point to some other function. unsigned long net_port (NETSTREAM *stream); stream stream to inspect This routine returns the remote port number of the stream. It calls stream->dtb->port, which normally points to tcp_port() but can point to some other function. char *net_localhost (NETSTREAM *stream); stream stream to inspect This routine returns the local host name of the stream. It calls stream->dtb->localhost, which normally points to tcp_localhost() but can point to some other function.