Operating System-Dependent Public Interface
These functions are in OS-dependent code, and are rewritten each
time c-client is ported to a new operating system.
void rfc822_date (char *date);
date buffer to write the date, must be large enough
This function is called to get the current date and time in an
RFC 822 format string into the given buffer.
void *fs_get (size_t size);
size number of octets requested
This function allocates and returns a block of free storage of
the specified size. Unlike malloc(), there is no failure return; this
function must return with the requested storage.
void fs_resize (void **block,size_t size);
block pointer to pointer to block to be resized
size new size in octets
This function resizes the free storage block, updating the
pointer if necessary. Unlike realloc(), there is no failure return;
this function must return with the requested storage.
void fs_give (void **block);
block pointer to pointer to block to free
This function releases a block of free storage allocated by
fs_get(). It also erases the block pointer, so it isn't necessary to
do this in the application.
void fatal (char *string);
string message string
This function is called when an "impossible" error is detected
and the client wishes to crash. The string should contain a reason.
char *strcrlfcpy (char **dst,long *dstl,char *src,long srcl);
dst pointer to destination string pointer
dstl pointer to destination string size
src source strin
srcl source string size
This function is called to copy into a destination string dst of
size dstl (resized if necessary), a CRLF newline form string from
local format string src of size srcl.
TCPSTREAM *tcp_open (char *host,long port);
TCPSTREAM *tcp_aopen (char *host,char *service);
char *tcp_getline (TCPSTREAM *stream);
long tcp_getbuffer (TCPSTREAM *stream,long size,char *buffer);
long tcp_soutr (TCPSTREAM *stream,char *string);
void tcp_close (TCPSTREAM *stream);
char *tcp_host (TCPSTREAM *stream);
unsigned long tcp_port (TCPSTREAM *stream);
char *tcp_localhost (TCPSTREAM *stream);
These functions are TCP-specific versions of the more general
net_xxx() functions. These should not be called directly by
char *tcp_clienthost (char *dst);
dst destination string buffer
This function should be called only by a server called by inetd
or similar mechanism which maps standard input to a network socket.
It returns the host name of the other end (e.g. the client of a
server) using the given string buffer, or NIL if it can't get this