
Objects are the building blocks of your scene.  There are 20 different 
types of objects supported by POV-Ray.  Seven of them are finite solid 
primitives, 4 are finite patch primitives, 5 are infinite solid polynomial 
primitives, 3 are types of Constructive Solid Geometry types and one is a 
specialized object that is a light source.

The basic syntax of an object is a keyword describing its type, some 
floats, vectors or other parameters which further define its location 
and/or shape and some optional object modifiers such as texture, pigment, 
normal, finish, bounding, clipping or transformations.

The texture describes what the object looks like, ie. its material.  
Textures are combinations of pigments, normals and finishes.  Pigment is 
the color or pattern of colors inherent in the material.  Normal is a 
method of simulating various patterns of bumps, dents, ripples or waves by 
modifying the surface normal vector.  Finish describes the reflective and 
refractive properties of a material.

Bounding shapes are finite, invisible shapes which wrap around complex, 
slow rendering shapes in order to speed up rendering time.  Clipping shapes 
are used to cut away parts of shapes to expose a hollow interior.  
Transformations tell the ray tracer how to move, size or rotate the shape 
and/or the texture in the scene.


There are 7 different solid finite primitive shapes: blob, box, cone, 
cylinder, height_field, sphere, and torus. These have a well-defined 
"inside" and can be used in Constructive Solid Geometry. Because these 
types are finite, POV-Ray can use automatic bounding on them to speed up 
rendering time. Spheres

Since spheres are so common in ray traced graphics, POV-Ray has a highly 
optimized sphere primitive which renders much more quickly than the 
corresponding polynomial quadric shape. The syntax is:

sphere { <CENTER>, RADIUS }

Where <CENTER> is a vector specifying the x,y,z coordinates of the center
of the sphere and RADIUS is a float value specifying the radius.  You can 
also add translations, rotations, and scaling to the sphere. For example, 
the following two objects are identical:

  sphere { <0, 25, 0>, 10
    pigment {Blue}

  sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 1.0
    pigment {Blue}
    scale 10
    translate y*25

Note that Spheres may be scaled unevenly giving an ellipsoid shape. 

Because spheres are highly optimized they make good bounding shapes. 
Because they are finite they respond to automatic bounding. As with all 
shapes, they can be translated, rotated and scaled. Boxes

A simple box can be defined by listing two corners of the box like this:

  box { <CORNER1>, <CORNER2> }

Where <CORNER1> and <CORNER2> are vectors defining the x,y,z coordinates of 
opposite corners of the box.  For example:

  box { <0, 0, 0>, <1, 1, 1> }

Note that all boxes are defined with their faces parallel to the coordinate 
axes.  They may later be rotated to any orientation using a rotate 

Each element of CORNER1 should always be less than the corresponding 
element in CORNER2. If any elements of CORNER1 are larger than CORNER2, the 
box will not appear in the scene.

Boxes are calculated efficiently and make good bounding shapes. Because 
they are finite they respond to automatic bounding. As with all 
shapes, they can be translated, rotated and scaled. Cylinders

A finite length cylinder with parallel end caps may be defined by.

   cylinder { <END1>, <END2>, RADIUS }

Where <END1> and <END2> are vectors defining the x,y,z coordinates of the 
center of each end of the cylinder and RADIUS is a float value for the 
radius.  For example:

   cylinder { <0,0,0>, <3,0,0>, 2}

is a cylinder 3 units long lying along the x axis from the origin to x=3 
with a radius of 2.

Normally the ends of a cylinder are closed by flat planes which are 
parallel to each other and perpendicular to the length of the cylinder.  
Adding the optional keyword "open" after the radius will remove the end 
caps and results in a hollow tube.

Because they are finite they respond to automatic bounding. As with all 
shapes, they can be translated, rotated and scaled. Cones

A finite length cone or a frustum (a cone with the point cut off) may be 
defined by.

   cone { <END1>, RADIUS1, <END2>, RADIUS2 }

Where <END1> and <END2> are vectors defining the x,y,z coordinates of the 
center of each end of the cone and RADIUS1 and RADIUS2 are float values for 
the radius of those ends.  For example:

   cone { <0,0,0>,2 <0,3,0>, 0}

is a cone 3 units tall pointing up the y axis from the origin to y=3.  The 
base has a radius of 2.  The other end has a radius of 0 which means it 
comes to a sharp point.  If neither radius is zero then the results look 
like a tapered cylinder or a cone with the point cut off.

Like a cylinder, normally the ends of a cone are closed by flat planes 
which are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the length of the 
cone.  Adding the optional keyword "open" after RADIUS2 will remove the end 
caps and results in a tapered hollow tube like a megaphone or funnel.

Because they are finite they respond to automatic bounding. As with all 
shapes, they can be translated, rotated and scaled. Torus

A torus is a 4th order quartic polynomial shape that looks like a donut or 
inner tube.  Because this shape is so useful and quartics are difficult to 
define, POV-Ray lets you take a short-cut and define a torus by:

   torus { MAJOR, MINOR }

where MAJOR is a float value giving the major radius and MINOR is a float 
specifying the minor radius.  The major radius extends from the center of 
the hole to the mid-line of the rim while the minor radius is the radius of 
the cross-section of the rim.  The torus is centered at the origin and lies 
in the X-Z plane with the Y-axis sticking through the hole.

        ----------- - - - - - - - ----------              +Y       
       /          \              /          \              |       
      /            \            /            \             |       
     |              |          |       |<-B-->|       -X---|---+X  
      \            /            \            /             |       
       \__________/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ \__________/              |       
                         |<-----A----->|                  -Y       

      A = Major Radius
      B = Minor Radius

Internally the torus is computed the same as any other quartic or 4th order 
polynomial however a torus defined this way will respond to automatic 
bounding while a quartic must be manually bound if at all.  As with all 
shapes, a torus can be translated, rotated and scaled.  Calculations for 
all higher order polynomials must be very accurate.  If this shape renders 
improperly you may add the keyword "sturm" after the MINOR value to use 
POV-Ray's slower-yet-more-accurate Sturmian root solver. Blob

Blobs are an interesting shape type. Their components are "flexible" 
spheres that attract or repel each other creating a "blobby" organic 
looking shape. The spheres' surfaces actually stretch out smoothly and 
connect, as if coated in silly putty (honey? glop?) and pulled apart.

Picture each blob component as a point floating in space.  Each point has a 
field around it that starts very strong at the center point and drops off 
to zero at some radius. POV-Ray adds together the field strength of each 
component and looks for the places that the strength of the field is 
exactly the same as the "threshold" value that was specified.  Points with 
a total field strength greater than the threshold are considered inside the 
blob.  Those less than the threshold are outside.  Points equal to the 
threshold are on the surface of the blob.

A blob is defined as follows:
  blob {
     threshold THRESHOLD_VALUE
     component STRENGTH, RADIUS, <CENTER>
     component STRENGTH, RADIUS, <CENTER>  // Repeat for any number  
     component STRENGTH, RADIUS, <CENTER>  //  of components         

The keyword "threshold" is followed by a float THRESHOLD_VALUE.  Each 
component begins with the keyword "component".  STRENGTH is a float value 
specifying the field strength at its center.  The strength may be positive 
or negative. A positive value will make that component attract other 
components. Negative strength will make that component repel other 
components. Components in different, separate blob shapes do not affect 
each other.  The strength tapers off to zero at the value specified by the 
float RADIUS.  The vector <CENTER> specifies the x,y,z coordinates of the 
component. For example:

  blob {
    threshold 0.6
    component 1.0, 1.0, <.75, 0, 0>
    component 1.0, 1.0, <-.375, .64952, 0>
    component 1.0, 1.0, <-.375, -.64952, 0>
    scale 2 

If you have a single blob component then the surface you see will look just 
like a sphere, with the radius of the surface being somewhere inside the 
"radius" value you specified for the component. The exact radius of this 
sphere-like surface can be determined from the blob equation listed below 
(you will probably never need to know this, blobs are more for visual 
appeal than for exact modeling).

If you have a number of blob components, then their fields add together at 
every point in space - this means that if the blob components are close 
together the resulting surface will smoothly flow around the components.

The various numbers that you specify in the blob declaration interact in 
several ways.  The meaning of each can be roughly stated as:

     This is the total density value that POV-Ray is looking for. By 
following the ray out into space and looking at how each blob component 
affects the ray, POV-Ray will find the points in space where the density is 
equal to the "threshold" value.

     1) "threshold" must be greater than 0. POV-Ray only looks for positive 
     2) If "threshold" is greater than the strength of a component, then 
the component will disappear.
     3) As "threshold" gets larger the surface you see gets closer to the 
centers of the components.
     4) As "threshold" gets smaller, the surface you see gets closer to the 
spheres at a distance of "radius" from the centers of the components.

     Each component has a strength value - this defines the density of the 
component at the center of the component. Changing this value will usually 
have only a subtle effect.

     1) "strength" may be positive or negative. Zero is a bad value, as the 
net result is that no density was added - you might just as well have not 
used this component.
     2) If "strength" is positive, then POV-Ray will add its density to the 
space around the center of the component. If this adds enough density to be 
greater than "threshold you will see a surface.
     3) If "strength" is negative, then POV-Ray will subtract its density 
from the space around the center of the component. This will only do 
something if there happen to be positive components nearby. What happens is 
that the surface around any nearby positive components will be dented away 
from the center of the negative component.

     Each component has a radius of influence. The component can only 
affect space within "radius" of its center. This means that if all of the 
components are farther than "radius" from each other, you will only see a 
bunch of spheres.  If a component is within the radius of another 
component, then the two components start to affect each other. At first 
there is only a small bulge outwards on each of the two components, as they 
get closer they bulge more and more until they attach along a smooth neck.  
If the components are very close (i.e. their centers are on top of each 
other), then you will only see a sphere (this is just like having a 
component of more strength. bigger than the size of each of the component 
     1) "radius" must be bigger than 0.
     2) As "radius" increases the apparent size of the component will 

     This is simply a point in space.  It defines the center of a blob 
component.  By changing the x/y/z values of the center you move the 
component around.

     For the more mathematically minded, here's the formula used internally 
by POV-Ray to create blobs. You don't need to understand this to use blobs. 

The formula used for a single blob component is:

      density = strength * (1 - radius^2)^2

This formula has the nice property that it is exactly equal to strength" at 
the center of the component and drops off to exactly 0 at a distance of 
"radius" from the center of the component. The density formula for more 
than one blob component is just the sum of the individual component 

      density = density1 + density2 + ...

Blobs can be used in CSG shapes and they can be scaled, rotated and 
translated. Because they are finite they respond to automatic bounding.  
The calculations for blobs must be very accurate.  If this shape renders 
improperly you may add the keyword "sturm" after the last component to use 
POV-Ray's slower-yet-more-accurate Sturmian root solver. Height Fields

Height fields are fast, efficient objects that are generally used to create 
mountains or other raised surfaces out of hundreds of triangles in a mesh.  

A height field is essentially a 1 unit wide by 1 unit long box with a 
mountainous surface on top.  The height of the mountain at each point is 
taken from the color number (palette index) of the pixels in a graphic 
image file. 

                    ________  <---- image index 255
                  /        /|
            +1y  ---------- |
                 |        | |
                 |        | |+1z <- Image upper-right
                 |        | /
            0,0,0---------- +1x
                 |____ Image lower-left

    NOTE: Image resolution is irrelevant to the scale of the heightfield.

The mesh of triangles corresponds directly to the pixels in the image file. 
In fact, there are two small triangles for every pixel in the image file. 
The Y (height) component of the triangles is determined by the palette 
index number stored at each location in the image file. The higher the 
number, the higher the triangle. The maximum height of an un-scaled height 
field is 1 unit.

The higher the resolution of the image file used to create the height 
field, the smoother the height field will look. A 640 X 480 GIF will create 
a smoother height field than a 320 x 200 GIF.  The size/resolution of the 
image does not affect the size of the height field. The un-scaled height 
field size will always be 1x1. Higher resolution image files will create 
smaller triangles, not larger height fields.

There are three types files which can define a height field as follows:

   height_field { gif "filename.gif" }
   height_field { tga "filename.tga" }
   height_field { pot "filename.pot" }

The image file used to create a height field can be a GIF, TGA or POT 
format file. The GIF format is the only one that can be created using a 
standard paint program.

In a GIF file, the color number is the palette index at a given point. Use 
a paint program to look at the palette of a GIF image. The first color is 
palette index zero, the second is index 1, the third is index 2, and so on. 
The last palette entry is index 255. Portions of the image that use low 
palette entries will be lower on the height field.  Portions of the image 
that use higher palette entries will be higher on the height field. For 
example, an image that was completely made up of entry 0 would be a flat 
1x1 square. An image that was completely made up of entry 255 would be a 
1x1x1 cube.

The maximum number of colors in a GIF are 256, so a GIF height field can 
have any number of triangles, but they will only 256 different height 

The color of the palette entry does not affect the height of the pixel. 
Color entry 0 could be red, blue, black, or orange, but the height of any 
pixel that uses color entry 0 will always be 0. Color entry 255 could be 
indigo, hot pink, white, or sky blue, but the height of any pixel that uses 
color entry 255 will always be 1.

You can create height field GIF images with a paint program or a fractal 
program like "Fractint".  If you have access to an IBM-PC, you can get 
Fractint from most of the same sources as POV-Ray.

A POT file is essentially a GIF file with a 16 bit palette. The maximum 
number of colors in a POT file is greater than 32,000. This means a POT 
height field can have over 32,000 possible height values. This makes it 
possible to have much smoother height fields. Note that the maximum height 
of the field is still 1 even though more intermediate values are possible.

At the time of this writing, the only program that created POT files was a 
freeware IBM-PC program called Fractint. POT files generated with this 
fractal program create fantastic landscapes. If you have access to an IBM-
PC, you can get Fractint from most of the same sources as POV-Ray.

The TGA file format may be used as a storage device for 16 bit numbers 
rather than an image file. The TGA format uses the red and green bytes of 
each pixel to store the high and low bytes of a height value. TGA files are 
as smooth as POT files, but they must be generated with special custom-made 
programs. Currently, this format is of most use to programmers, though you 
may see TGA height field generator programs arriving soon.  There is 
example C source code included with the POV-Ray source archive to create a 
TGA file for use with a height field.  

It is nearly impossible to take advantage of the 16 bits of resolution 
offered by the use of tga files in height fields when the tga file is 
created in a paint program.  A gif file is a better choice for paint 
created height fields in 8 bits.  Also see Appendix B.5 for a tip on 
creating tga files for height fields.

An optional "water_level" parameter may be added after the file name.  It 
consists of the keyword "water_level" followed by a float value tells the 
program not to look for the height field below that value. Default value is 
0, and legal values are between 0 and 1. For example, "water_level .5" 
tells POV-Ray to only render the top half of the height field. The other 
half is "below the water" and couldn't be seen anyway. This term comes from 
the popular use of height fields to render landscapes. A height field would 
be used to create islands and another shape would be used to simulate water 
around the islands. A large portion of the height field would be obscured 
by the "water" so the "water_level" parameter was introduced to allow the 
ray-tracer to ignore the unseen parts of the height field. Water_level is 
also used to "cut away" unwanted lower values in a height field. For 
example, if you have an image of a fractal on a solid colored background, 
where the background color is palette entry 0, you can remove the 
background in the height field by specifying, "water_level .001" 

Normally height fields have a rough, jagged look because they are made of 
lots of flat triangles.  Adding the keyword "smooth" causes POV-Ray to 
modify the surface normal vectors of the triangles in such a way that the 
lighting and shading of the triangles will give a smooth look.  This may 
allow you to use a lower resolution file for your height field than would 
otherwise be needed.

Height fields can be used in CSG shapes and they can be scaled, rotated and 
translated. Because they are finite they respond to automatic bounding.  

Here are a notes and helpful hints on height fields from their creator, 
Doug Muir:

The height field is mapped to the x-z plane, with its lower left corner 
sitting at the origin. It extends to 1 in the positive x direction and to 1 
in the positive z direction. It is maximum 1 unit high in the y direction. 
You can translate it, scale it, and rotate it to your heart's content. 

When deciding on what water_level to use, remember, this applies to the un-
transformed height field. If you are a Fractint user, the water_level 
should be used just like the water_level parameter for 3d projections in 

Here's a detailed explanation of how the ray-tracer creates the height 
field. You can skip this if you aren't interested in the technical side of 
ray-tracing. This information is not needed to create or use height fields.

To find an intersection with the height field, the ray tracer first checks 
to see if the ray intersects the box which surrounds the height field. 
Before any transformations, this box's two opposite vertexes are at (0, 
water_level, 0) and (1, 1, 1). If the box is intersected, the ray tracer 
figures out where, and then follows the line from where the ray enters the 
box to where it leaves the box, checking each pixel it crosses for an 

It checks the pixel by dividing it up into two triangles. The height vertex 
of the triangle is determined by the color index at the corresponding 
position in the GIF, POT, or TGA file.

If your file has a uses the color map randomly, your height field is going 
to look pretty chaotic, with tall, thin spikes shooting up all over the 
place. Not every GIF will make a good height field.

If you want to get an idea of what your height field will look like, I 
recommend using the IBM-PC program Fractint's 3d projection features to do 
a sort of preview. If it doesn't look good there, the ray tracer isn't 
going to fix it. For those of you who can't use Fractint, convert the image 
palette to a gray scale from black at entry 0 to white at entry 255 with 
smooth steps of gray in-between. The dark parts will lower than the 
brighter parts, so you can get a feel for how the image will look as a 
height field.


There are 4 totally thin, finite objects which have NO well-defined inside.  
They may be combined in CSG union but cannot be use in other types of CSG.  
They are bicubic_patch, disc, smooth_triangle and triangle.  Because these 
types are finite, POV-Ray can use automatic bounding on them to speed up 
rendering time. Triangle and Smooth_triangle

The triangle primitive is available in order to make more complex objects 
than the built-in shapes will permit.  Triangles are usually not created by 
hand, but are converted from other files or generated by utilities. 

A triangle is defined by:

   triangle { <CORNER1>, <CORNER2>, <CORNER3> }

where <CORNER> is a vector defining the x,y,z coordinates of each corner 
of the triangle.

Because triangles are perfectly flat surfaces it would require extremely 
large numbers of very small triangles to approximate a smooth, curved 
surface.  However much of our perception of smooth surfaces is dependent 
upon the way light and shading is done.  By artificially modifying the 
surface normals we can simulate as smooth surface and hide the sharp-edged 
seams between individual triangles. 

The smooth_triangle primitive is used for just such purposes.  The 
smooth_triangles use a formula called Phong normal interpolation to 
calculate the surface normal for any point on the triangle based on normal 
vectors which you define for the three corners.  This makes the triangle 
appear to be a smooth curved surface. A smooth_triangle is defined by:

  smooth_triangle {
    <CORNER1>, <NORMAL1>,
    <CORNER2>, <NORMAL2>,
    <CORNER3>, <NORMAL>3

where the corners are defined as in regular triangles and <NORMAL> is a 
vector describing the direction of the surface normal at each corner.

These normal vectors are prohibitively difficult to compute by hand.  
Therefore smooth_triangles are almost always generated by utility programs.  
To achieve smooth results, any triangles which share a common vertex should 
have the same normal vector at that vertex.  Generally the smoothed normal 
should be the average of all the actual normals of the triangles which 
share that point. Bicubic_patch

A bicubic patch is a 3D curved surface created from a mesh of triangles. 
POV-Ray supports a type of bicubic patch called a Bezier patch.  A bicubic 
patch is defined as follows:

  bicubic_patch { 
     type PATCH_TYPE
     flatness FLATNESS_VALUE
     u_steps NUM_U_STEPS
     v_steps NUM_V_STEPS
     <CP1>,  <CP2>,   <CP3>,   <CP4>,
     <CP5>,  <CP6>,   <CP7>,   <CP8>,
     <CP9>,  <CP10>,  <CP11>,  <CP12>,
     <CP13>, <CP14>,  <CP15>,  <CP16>

The keyword "type" is followed by a float PATCH_TYPE which currently must 
be either 0 or 1.  For type 0 only the control points are retained within 
POV-Ray. This means that a minimal amount of memory is needed, but POV-Ray 
will need to perform many extra calculations when trying to render the 
patch.  Type 1 preprocesses the patch into many subpatches.  This results 
in a significant speedup in rendering, at the cost of memory.

These 4 parameters: type, flatness, u_steps & v_steps, may appear in any 
order.  They are followed by 16 vectors that define the x,y,z coordinates 
of the 16 control points which define the patch.  The patch touches the 4 
corner points , ,  and  while the other 12 points 
pull and stretch the patch into shape.

The keywords "u_steps" and "v_steps" are each followed by float values 
which tell how many rows and columns of triangles are the minimum to use to 
create the surface.  The maximum number of individual pieces of the patch 
that are tested by POV-Ray can be calculated from the following:

   sub-pieces = 2^u_steps * 2^v_steps

This means that you really should keep "u_steps" and "v_steps" under 4 or 
5.  Most patches look just fine with "u_steps 3" and "v_steps 3", which 
translates to 64 subpatches (128 smooth triangles).

As POV-Ray processes the Bezier patch, it makes a test of the current piece 
of the patch to see if it is flat enough to just pretend it is a rectangle.  
The statement that controls this test is: "flatness xxx".  Typical flatness 
values range from 0 to 1 (the lower the slower).

If the value for flatness is 0, then POV-Ray will always subdivide the 
patch to the extend specified by u_steps and v_steps.  If flatness is 
greater than 0, then every time the patch is split, POV-Ray will check to 
see if there is any need to split further.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to using a non-zero flatness.  
The advantages include:

   If the patch isn't very curved, then this will be detected and POV-Ray
   won't waste a lot of time looking at the wrong pieces.

   If the patch is only highly curved in a couple of places, POV-Ray will
   keep subdividing there and concentrate it's efforts on the hard part.

The biggest disadvantage is that if POV-Ray stops subdividing at a 
particular level on one part of the patch and at a different level on an 
adjacent part of the patch, there is the potential for "cracking".  This is 
typically visible as spots within the patch where you can see through.  How 
bad this appears depends very highly on the angle at which you are viewing 
the patch.

Like triangles, the bicubic patch is not meant to be generated by hand.  
These shapes should be created by a special utility. You may be able to 
acquire utilities to generate these shapes from the same source from which 
you obtained POV-Ray. 

  bicubic_patch { 
     type 1 
     flatness 0.01
     u_steps 4
     v_steps 4
     <0, 0, 2>, <1, 0, 0>, <2, 0, 0>, <3, 0,-2>,
     <0, 1  0>, <1, 1, 0>, <2, 1, 0>, <3, 1, 0>,
     <0, 2, 0>, <1, 2, 0>, <2, 2, 0>, <3, 2, 0>,
     <0, 3, 2>, <1, 3, 0>, <2, 3, 0>, <3, 3, -2>

The triangles in a POV-Ray bicubic_patch are automatically smoothed using 
normal interpolation but it is up to the user (or the user's utility 
program) to create control points which smoothly stitch together groups of 

As with the other shapes, bicubic_patch objects can be translated, rotated, 
and scaled.  Because they are finite they respond to automatic bounding.  
Since it's made from triangles, a bicubic_patch cannot be used in CSG 
intersection or difference types or inside a clipped_by modifier because 
triangles have no clear "inside". The CSG union type works acceptably. Disc

One other flat, finite object type is available with POV-Ray.  Note that a 
disc is infinitely thin.  It has no thickness.  If you want a disc with 
true thickness you should use a very short cylinder.  A disc shape may be 
defined by:
  disc { <CENTER>, <NORMAL>, RADIUS }



The vector <CENTER> defines the x,y,z coordinates of the center of the 
disc.  The <NORMAL> vector describes its orientation by describing its 
surface normal vector.  This is followed by a float specifying the RADIUS.  
This may be optionally followed by another float specifying the radius of a 
hole to be cut from the center of the disc.

  disc {
    <-2,-0.5, 0>,    //center location
    <0,  1,   0>,    //normal vector
    2                //radius         
    pigment { color Cyan }

  disc {
    <0, 1, 0>,       //center location
    <-1, 3, -2>,     //normal vector  
    1.5,             //radius         
    0.5              //hole radius (optional)
    pigment { color Yellow }

As with the other shapes, discs can be translated, rotated, and scaled.  
Because they are finite they respond to automatic bounding.  Disc cannot be 
used in CSG intersection or difference types or inside a clipped_by 
modifier because it has no clear "inside". The CSG union type works 


There are 5 polynomial primitive shapes that are possibly infinite and do 
not respond to automatic bounding.  They do have a well defined inside and 
may be used in CSG.  They are plane, cubic, poly, quadric, and quartic. Plane

The plane primitive is a fast, efficient way to define an infinite flat 
surface.  The plane is specified as follows:

  plane { <NORMAL>, DISTANCE }

The <NORMAL> vector defines the surface normal of the plane.  A surface 
normal is a vector which points up from the surface at a 90 degree angle.  
This is followed by a float value that gives the distance along the normal 
that the plane is from the origin.  For example:

  plane { <0,1,0>,4 }

This is a plane where "straight up" is defined in the positive y direction.  
The plane is 4 units in that direction away from the origin.  Because most 
planes are defined with surface normals in the direction of an axis, you 
will often see planes defined using the "x", "y", or "z" built-in vector 
identifiers.  The example above could be specified as:

  plane { y,4 }

The plane extends infinitely in the x and z directions.  It effectively 
divides the world into two pieces.  By definition the normal vector points 
to the outside of the plane while any points away from the vector are 
defined as inside.  This inside/outside distinction is only important when 
using planes in CSG.

As with the other shapes, planes can be translated, rotated, and scaled.  
Because they are infinite they do not respond to automatic bounding.  Plane 
can be used freely in CSG because it has a clear defined "inside". 

A plane is called a "polynomial" shape because it is defined by a first 
order polynomial equation.  Given a plane:

  plane { , D }

it can be represented by the formula:

   A*x + B*y + C*z = D

Therefore our example "plane {y,4}" is actually the polynomial equation 
"y=4".  You can think of this as a set of all x,y,z points where all have y 
values equal to 4, regardless of the x or z values.

This equation is a "first order" polynomial because each term contains only 
single powers of x, y or z.  A second order equation has terms like x^2, 
y^2, z^2, xy, xz and yz.  Another name for a 2nd order equation is a 
quadric equation.  Third order polys are called cubics.  A 4th order 
equation is a quartic.  Such shapes are described in the sections below. Quadric

Quadric surfaces can produce shapes like ellipsoids, spheres, cones, 
cylinders, paraboloids (dish shapes), and hyperboloids (saddle or hourglass 
shapes).  NOTE: Do not confuse "quaDRic" with "quaRTic".  A quadric is a 
2nd order polynomial while a quartic is 4th order.

A quadric is defined in POV-Ray by:

  quadric { <A,B,C>, <D,E,F>, <G,H,I>, J }

where A through J are float expressions.  

This defines a surface of x,y,z points which satisfy the equation:

       A x^2   + B y^2   + C z^2
     + D xy    + E xz    + F yz
     + G x     + H y     + I z    + J = 0

Different values of A,B,C,...J will give different shapes. So, if you take 
any three dimensional point and use its x, y, and z coordinates in the 
above equation, the answer will be 0 if the point is on the surface of the 
object. The answer will be negative if the point is inside the object and 
positive if the point is outside the object. Here are some examples: 

     X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2 - 1 = 0  Sphere
     X^2 + Y^2 - 1 = 0        Infinitely long cylinder along the Z axis 
     X^2 + Y^2 - Z^2 = 0      Infinitely long cone along the Z axis

The easiest way to use these shapes is to include the standard file 
"SHAPES.INC" into your program. It contains several pre-defined quadrics 
and you can transform these pre-defined shapes (using translate, rotate, 
and scale) into the ones you want.

You can invoke them by using the syntax,

  object { Quadric_Name }

The pre-defined quadrics are centered about the origin <0, 0, 0> and have a 
radius of 1. Don't confuse radius with width. The radius is half the 
diameter or width making the standard quadrics 2 units wide.

Some of the pre-defined quadrics are,

 Cylinder_X, Cylinder_Y, Cylinder_Z
 QCone_X, QCone_Y, QCone_Z
 Paraboloid_X, Paraboloid_Y, Paraboloid_Z

For a complete list, see the file SHAPES.INC. Poly, Cubic and Quartic.

Higher order polynomial surfaces may be defined by the use of a poly shape.  
The syntax is:

  poly { ORDER, <T1, T2, T3, .... Tm> }

Where ORDER is a whole number from 2 to 7 inclusively that specifies the 
order of the equation.  T1, T2... Tm are float values for the coefficients 
of the equation.  There are "m" such terms where 


An alternate way to specify 3rd order polys is:

  cubic { <T1, T2,... T20> }

Also 4th order equations may be specified with:

  quartic { <T1, T2,... T35> }

Here's a more mathematical description of quartics for those who are 
interested.  Quartic surfaces are 4th order surfaces, and can be used to 
describe a large class of shapes including the torus, the lemniscate, etc. 
The general equation for a quartic equation in three variables is (hold 
onto your hat):

  a00 x^4 + a01 x^3 y + a02 x^3 z+ a03 x^3 + a04 x^2 y^2+ 
  a05 x^2 y z+ a06 x^2 y + a07 x^2 z^2+a08 x^2 z+a09 x^2+
  a10 x y^3+a11 x y^2 z+ a12 x y^2+a13 x y z^2+a14 x y z+ 
  a15 x y + a16 x z^3 + a17 x z^2 + a18 x z + a19 x+
  a20 y^4 + a21 y^3 z + a22 y^3+ a23 y^2 z^2 +a24 y^2 z+ 
  a25 y^2 + a26 y z^3 + a27 y z^2 + a28 y z + a29 y+ 
  a30 z^4 + a31 z^3 + a32 z^2 + a33 z + a34

To declare a quartic surface requires that each of the coefficients (a0 -> 
a34) be placed in order into a single long vector of 35 terms. 

As an example let's define a torus the hard way.  A Torus can be 
represented by the equation:

 x^4 + y^4 + z^4 + 2 x^2 y^2 + 2 x^2 z^2 + 2 y^2 z^2
 -2 (r0^2 + r1^2) x^2 + 2 (r0^2 - r1^2) y^2 
 -2 (r0^2 + r1^2) z^2 + (r0^2 - r1^2)^2 = 0

Where r0 is the "major" radius of the torus - the distance from the hole of 
the donut to the middle of the ring of the donut, and r1 is the "minor" 
radius of the torus - the distance from the middle of the ring of the donut 
to the outer surface. The following object declaration is for a torus 
having major radius 6.3 minor radius 3.5 (Making the maximum width just 
under 10). 

//Torus having major radius sqrt(40), minor radius sqrt(12)

   quartic {
      < 1,   0,   0,   0,   2,   0,   0,   2,   0, 
     -104,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0, 
        0,   0,   1,   0,   0,   2,   0,  56,   0, 
        0,   0,   0,   1,   0, -104,  0, 784 >
      bounded_by { // bounded_by speeds up the render,
                   // see bounded_by
                   // explanation later 
                   // in docs for more info.
       sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 10 }

Poly, cubic and quartics are just like quadrics in that you don't have to 
understand what one is to use one. The file SHAPESQ.INC has plenty of pre-
defined quartics for you to play with. The most common one is the torus or 
donut. The syntax for using a pre-defined quartic is:
    object { Quartic_Name }

As with the other shapes, these shapes can be translated, rotated, and 
scaled.  Because they are infinite they do not respond to automatic 
bounding.  They can be used freely in CSG because they have a clear defined 

Polys use highly complex computations and will not always render perfectly. 
If the surface is not smooth, has dropouts, or extra random pixels, try 
using the optional keyword "sturm" in the definition. This will cause a 
slower, but more accurate calculation method to be used. Usually, but not 
always, this will solve the problem. If sturm doesn't work, try rotating, 
or translating the shape by some small amount. See the sub-directory MATH 
for examples of polys in scenes.

There are really so many different quartic shapes, we can't even begin to 
list or describe them all. If you are interested and mathematically 
inclined, an excellent reference book for curves and surfaces where you'll 
find more quartic shape formulas is:

   "The CRC Handbook of Mathematical Curves and Surfaces"
   David von Seggern
   CRC Press


POV-Ray supports Constructive Solid Geometry (also called Boolean 
operations) in order to make the shape definition abilities more powerful. About CSG
The simple shapes used so far are nice, but not terribly useful on their 
own for making realistic scenes. It's hard to make interesting objects when 
you're limited to spheres, boxes, cylinders, planes, and so forth. 
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) is a technique for taking these simple 
building blocks and combining them together. You can use a cylinder to bore 
a hole through a sphere. You can start with solid blocks and carve away 
pieces.  Objects may be combined in groups and treated as though they were 
single objects.
Constructive Solid Geometry allows you to define shapes which are the 
union, intersection, or difference of other shapes.  Additionally you may 
clip sections of objects revealing their hollow interiors.
Unions superimpose two or more shapes. This has the same effect as defining 
two or more separate objects, but is simpler to create and/or manipulate. 
In POV-Ray 2.0 the union keyword may be used anyplace composite was used in 
previous versions of POV-Ray.  Also a new type of union called "merge" can 
eliminate internal surfaces on transparent or clipped objects.
Intersections define the space where the two or more surfaces overlap.
Differences allow you to cut one object out of another.
CSG intersections, unions, and differences can consist of two or more 
shapes. For example:
          union {
            object{O3}  // any number of objects 
CSG shapes may be used in CSG shapes. In fact, CSG shapes may be used 
anyplace that a standard shape is used.
The order of the component shapes with the CSG doesn't matter except in a 
difference shape. For CSG differences, the first shape is visible and the 
remaining shapes are cut out of the first.
Constructive solid geometry shapes may be translated, rotated, or scaled in 
the same way as any shape. The shapes making up the CSG shape may be 
individually translated, rotated, and scaled as well.
When using CSG, it is often useful to invert a shape so that it's inside-
out. The appearance of the shape is not changed, just the way that POV-Ray 
perceives it. The inverse keyword can be used to do this for any shape. 
When inverse is used, the "inside" of the shape is flipped to become the 
"outside". For planes, "inside" is defined to be "in the opposite direction 
to the "normal" or "up" direction. 
Note that performing an intersection between a shape and some other inverse 
shapes is the same as performing a difference. In fact, the difference is 
actually implemented in this way in the code. Inside and outside

Most shape primitives, like spheres, boxes, and blobs, divide the world 
into two regions. One region is inside the surface and one is outside.  
(The exceptions to this rule are triangles, disc and bezier patches - we'll 
talk about this later.)
Given any point in space, you can say it's either inside or outside any 
particular primitive object (well, it could be exactly on the surface, but 
numerical inaccuracies will put it to one side or the other). 
Even planes have an inside and an outside. By definition, the surface 
normal of the plane points towards the outside of the plane. (For a simple 
floor, for example, the space above the floor is "outside" and the space 
below the floor is "inside". For simple floors this in un-important, but 
for planes as parts of CSG's it becomes much more important). CSG uses the 
concepts of inside and outside to combine shapes together. Take the 
following situation:
Note: The diagrams shown here demonstrate the concepts in 2D and are 
intended only as an analogy to the 3D case. 
Note that the triangles and triangle-based shapes cannot be used as solid 
objects in CSG since they have no clear inside and outside.

In this diagram, point 1 is inside object A only.  Point 2 is inside B 
only.  Point 3 is inside both A and B while point 0 is outside everything.
         * = Object A
         % = Object B
                            *  0
                           * *    %
                          *   *  % %
                         *     *%   %
                        *  1   %*    %
                       *      %  * 2  %
                      *      % 3  *    %
                     *******%*******    %
                           %             %
Complex shapes may be created by combining other shapes using a technique 
called "Constructive Solid Geometry" (or CSG for short).  The CSG shapes 
are difference, intersection, and union. The following gives a simple 2D 
overview of how these functions work. Union

Unions are simply "glue", used bind two or more shapes into a single entity 
that can be manipulated as a single object.  The diagram above shows the 
union of A and B.  The new object created by the union operation can then 
be scaled, translated, and rotated as a single shape.  The entire union can 
share a single texture, but each object contained in the union may also 
have its own texture, which will override any matching texture statements 
in the parent object:

      union {
        sphere { <0, 0.5, 0> 1 pigment { Red } }
        sphere { <0, 0.0, 0> 1 }
        sphere { <0,-0.5, 0> 1 }
        pigment { Blue }
        finish { Shiny }

This union will contain three spheres.  The first sphere is explicitly 
colored Red while the other two will be shiny blue.  Note that the shiny 
finish does NOT apply to the first sphere.  This is because the 
"pigment{Red}" is actually shorthand for "texture{pigment{Red}}".  It 
attaches an entire texture with default normals and finish.  The textures 
or pieces of textures attached to the union apply ONLY to components with 
no textures.  These texturing rules also apply to intersection, difference 
and merge as well.

Earlier versions of POV-Ray placed restrictions on unions so you often had 
to combine objects with composite statements.  Those earlier restrictions 
have been lifted so composite is no longer needed.  Composite is still 
supported for backwards compatibility but it is recommended that union now 
be used in it's place since future support for the composite keyword is not 
guarantied. Intersection

A point is inside the intersection if it's inside both A AND B. This 
"logical AND's" the shapes and gets the common part, most useful for 
"cutting" infinite shapes off.  The diagram below consists of only those 
parts common to A and B.
                              %  *
                             % 3  *
For example:

     intersection {
       sphere {<-0.75,0,0>,1}
       sphere {< 0.75,0,0>,1}
       pigment {Yellow}
     } Difference

A point is inside the difference if it's inside A but not inside B. The 
results is a "subtraction" of the 2nd shape from the first shape:
                           * *
                          *   *
                         *     *
                        *  1   %
                       *      %
                      *      %
For example:

     difference {
       sphere {<-0.75,0,0>,1}
       sphere {< 0.75,0,-0.25>,1}
       pigment {Yellow}
     } Merge

As can be seen in the diagram for union, the inner surfaces where the 
objects overlap is still present.  On transparent or clipped objects these 
inner surfaces cause problems.  A merge object works just like union but it 
eliminates the inner surfaces like this:

                           * *    %
                          *   *  % %
                         *     *%   %
                        *            %
                       *              %
                      *                %
                     *******%           %
                           %             %

The last object we'll cover is the light source.  Light sources have no 
visible shape of their own.  They are just points or areas which emit 
light. Point Lights

Most light sources are infinitely small points which emit light.  Point 
light sources are treated like shapes, but they are invisible points from 
which light rays stream out. They light objects and create shadows and 
highlights. Because of the way ray tracing works, lights do not reflect 
from a surface.  You can use many light sources in a scene, but each light 
source used will increase rendering time. The brightness of a light is 
determined by its color. A bright color is a bright light, a dark color, a 
dark one. White is the brightest possible light, Black is completely dark 
and Gray is somewhere in the middle.

The syntax for a light source is:

    light_source { <X, Y, Z> color red #, green #, blue #}

Where X, Y and Z are the coordinates of the location and "color" is any 
color or color identifier. For example,

    light_source { <3, 5, -6> color Gray50}

is a 50% Gray light at X=3, Y=5, Z=-6.

Point light sources in POV-Ray do not attenuate, or get dimmer, with 
distance. Spotlights

A spotlight is a point light source where the rays of light are constrained 
by a cone. The light is bright in the center of the spotlight and falls 
off/darkens to soft shadows at the edges of the circle.

The syntax is:

Syntax:   light_source { <CENTER>
              color red #, green #, blue #
              point_at <POINT>
              radius #
              falloff #
              tightness #

A spotlight is positioned using two vectors.  The first vector is the usual 
<CENTER> vector that you would use to position a point light source.

The second vector is the point_at <POINT>, the vector position of
the point the light is pointing at, similar to the look_at in a camera 

The following illustrations will be helpful in understanding how these 
values relate to each other:

           (+) Spotlight <center>
           / \
          /   \
         /     \
        /       \
       /         \
      /           \
            ^ point_at <point>

The center is specified the same way as a normal point light_source.

Point_at <POINT> is the location that the cone of light is
aiming at.

Spotlights also have three other parameters: radius, falloff, and 

If you think of a spotlight as two nested cones,  the inner cone would be 
specified by the radius parameter, and would be fully lit.  The outer cone 
would be the falloff cone and beyond it would be totally unlit.  The values 
for these two parameters are specified in degrees of the half angle at the 
peak of each cone:

           (+) Spotlight <center>
            |\ <-----  angle measured here
            | \
            || \
            ||  \      shaded area = radius cone
            |||  \     outer line = falloff cone
            ||||  \
            |||||  \

The radius# is the radius, in degrees, of the bright circular hotspot at 
the center of the spotlight's area of affect.

The falloff# is the falloff angle of the radius of the total spotlight 
area, in degrees. This is the value where the light "falls off" to zero 
brightness.  Falloff should be larger than the radius. Both values should 
be between 1 and 180.

The tightness value specifies how quickly the light dims, or falls off, in 
the region between the radius (full brightness) cone and the falloff (full 
darkness) cone.  The default value for tightness is 10.  Lower tightness 
values will make the spot have very soft edges. High values will make the 
edges sharper, the spot "tighter".  Values from 1 to 100 are acceptable.

Spotlights may used anyplace that a normal light source is used. Like 
normal light sources, they are invisible points. They are treated as shapes 
and may be included in CSG shapes.  They may also be used in conjunction 
with area_lights.

   // This is the spotlight.
   light_source {
      <10, 10, 0>
      color red 1, green 1, blue 0.5
      point_at <0, 1, 0>
      tightness 50
      radius 11
      falloff 25
     } Area Lights

Regular light sources in POV-Ray are modeled as point light sources, that 
is they emit light from a single point in space. Because of this the 
shadows created by these lights have the characteristic sharp edges that 
most of us are use to seeing in ray traced images. The reason for the 
distinct edges is that a point light source is either fully in view or it 
is fully blocked by an object. A point source can never be partially 

Area lights on the other hand occupy a finite area of space. Since it is 
possible for an area light to be partially blocked by an object the shadows 
created will have soft or "fuzzy" edges. The softness of the edge is 
dependent on the dimensions of the light source and it's distance from the 
object casting the shadow.

The area lights used in POV-Ray are rectangular in shape, sort of like a 
flat panel light. Rather than performing the complex calculations that 
would be required to model a true area light, POV-Ray approximates an area 
light as an array of "point" light sources spread out over the area 
occupied by the light. The intensity of each individual point light in the 
array is dimmed so that the total amount of light emitted by the light is 
equal to the light color specified in the declaration.


light_source {
   <X, Y, Z> color red # green # blue #

   area_light <X1, Y1, Z1>, <X2, Y2, Z2>, N1, N2
   adaptive #

   [optional spotlight parameters]

The light's location and color are specified in the same way as a
regular light source.

The area_light command defines the size and orientation of the area light 
as well as the number of lights in the light source array.  The vectors 
<X1,Y1,Z1> and <X2,Y2,Z2> specify the lengths and directions of the edges 
of the light. Since the area lights are rectangular in shape these vectors 
should be perpendicular to each other. The larger the size of the light the 
thicker that the soft part of the shadow will be. The numbers N1 and N2 
specify the dimensions of the array of point lights. The larger the number 
of lights you use the smoother your shadows will be but the longer they 
will take to render.

The adaptive command is used to enable adaptive sampling of the light 
source. By default POV-Ray calculates the amount of light that reaches a 
surface from an area light by shooting a test ray at every point light 
within the array. As you can imagine this is VERY slow. Adaptive sampling 
on the other hand attempts to approximate the same calculation by using a 
minimum number of test rays. The number specified after the keyword 
controls how much adaptive sampling is used. The higher the number the more 
accurate your shadows will be but the longer they will take to render. If 
you're not sure what value to use a good starting point is 'adaptive 1'.  
The adaptive command only accepts integer values and cannot be set lower 
than 0. Adaptive sampling is explained in more detail later.

The jitter command is optional. When used it causes the positions of the 
point lights in the array to be randomly jittered to eliminate any shadow 
banding that may occur. The jittering is completely random from render to 
render and should not be used when generating animations.

Note: It's possible to specify spotlight parameters along with area_light 
parameters to create "area spotlights." Using area spotlights is a good way 
to speed up scenes that use area lights since you can confine the lengthy 
soft shadow calculations to only the parts of your scene that need them.


light_source {
   <0, 50, 0> color White

   area_light <5, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 10>, 5, 5
   adaptive 1

This defines an area light that extends 5 units along the x axis and 10 
units along the z axis and is centered at the location <0,50,0>. The light 
consists of a 5 by 5 jittered array of point sources for a total of 25 
point lights. A minimum of 9 shadow rays will be used each time this light 
is tested.

                     / * * * * *
                   / * * * * *           Y
        <0,0,10> / * * * * *             |     Z
               / * * * * *               |   /
             / * * * * *                 | /
           +----------->                 +------X

An interesting effect that can be created using area lights is a linear 
light. Rather than having a rectangular shape, a linear light stretches 
along a line sort of like a thin fluorescent tube. To create a linear light 
just create an area light with one of the array dimensions set to 1.


light_source {
   <0, 50, 0> color White

   area_light <40, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 1>, 100, 1
   adaptive 4

This defines a linear light that extends from <-40/2,50,0> to <+40/2,50,0> 
and consists of 100 point sources along it's length. The vector <0,0,1> is 
ignored in this case since a linear light has no width. Note: If the linear 
light is fairly long you'll usually need to set the adaptive parameter 
fairly high as in the above example.

When performing adaptive sampling POV-Ray starts by shooting a test ray at 
each of the four corners of the area light. If the amount of light received 
from all four corners is approximately the same then the area light is 
assumed to be either fully in view or fully blocked. The light intensity is 
then calculated as the average intensity of the light received from the 
four corners.  However, if the light intensity from the four corners 
differs significantly then the area light is partially blocked. The light 
is the split into four quarters and each section is sampled as described 
above. This allows POV-Ray to rapidly approximate how much of the area 
light is in view without having to shoot a test ray at every light in the 

While the adaptive sampling method is fast (relatively speaking) it can 
sometimes produces inaccurate shadows. The solution is to reduce the amount 
of adaptive sampling without completely turning it off. The number after 
the adaptive keyword adjusts the number of times that the area light will 
be split before the adaptive phase begins. For example if you use "adaptive 
0" a minimum of 4 rays will be shot at the light. If you use "adaptive 1" a 
minimum of 9 rays will be shot (adaptive 2 = 25 rays, adaptive 3 = 81 rays, 
etc). Obviously the more shadow rays you shoot the slower the rendering 
will be so you should use the lowest value that gives acceptable results.

The number of rays never exceeds the values you specify for rows and 
columns of points.  For example: area_light x,y,4,4 specifies a 4 by 4 
array of lights.  If you specify adaptive 3 it would mean that you should 
start with a 5 by 5 array.  In this case no adaptive sampling is done.  The 
4 by 4 array is used. Looks_like

Normally the light source itself has no visible shape.  The light simply 
radiates from an invisible point or area.  You may give a light source a 
any shape by adding a "looks_like{OBJECT}" statement.  For example:

        light_source {
           <100,200,-300> color White
           looks_like {sphere{<0,0,0>,1 texture{T1}}

This creates a visible sphere which is automatically translated to the 
light's location <100,200,-300> even though the sphere has <0,0,0> as its 
center.  There is an implied "no_shadow" also attached to the sphere so 
that light is not blocked by the sphere.  Without the automatic no_shadow, 
the light inside the sphere would not escape. The sphere would, in effect, 
cast a shadow over everything.
If you want the attached object to block light then you should attach it 
with a union and not a looks_like as follows:

        union {
          light_source {<100,200,-300> color White}
          object {My_Lamp_Shade}

Presumably parts of the lamp shade are open to let SOME light out.