Yellowstone Park

Mammoth Hot Springs
Mammoth from another angle
Mammoth Hot Springs is one of the largest hot springs in the
park. The terraces are built up over the years by deposits
of minerals left by the evaporationg water that bubbles up
from hot spots in the earth.

Obligatory Old Faithful Picture
You can't visit Yellowstone without going to see Old Faithful.
Though it used to erupt at a regularly scheduled time (about once
every hour), it is now off by a few minutes everytime. This is due
to a large earthquake that happened in the early 1980's in Idaho.

Extinct Geyser
A picture of an extinct geyser with a cinder cone like deposit
of minerals. The clouds were spectactular on this day.

The largest waterfall in the park. I wanted to get behind it
for this picture, but I didn't see any way to do it without
getting extremely wet.

Sunset Over a Pool
The last picture of the day, and the last picture of the park.
It's doubtful I'll get back to Yellowstone in the summer, there
are far too many people that go there. I here the cross country
skiing is excellent in the winter though....(-: