How can I get this damn
software logging what I eat and when I exercise, in an automatic way?
And then, how do I look at that on a calendar and bitch about it? I
need that plugin. You have it, perhaps. You will tell me where it lives.
In the meanwhile:
The good news is that MediaWiki is way cool. I hope never again to have to reset someone's password by going into a goddamn
In the meanwhile:
- Know that I biked to work and back on Monday via CalTrain and the Bayshore trail (San Mateo <=> Fo' City).
- Know
that I jogged Sunday morning and my knees ache.
- Know that I made enchiladas and salsa with fresh and stale food from the fridge and organic produce order (planet organics).
- Know that I am out of Beer.
The good news is that MediaWiki is way cool. I hope never again to have to reset someone's password by going into a goddamn
file manually in vi. The bad news is multiple.- I am addicted to its markup syntax. Perhaps you too type in MediaWiki bullet- and numbered-lists whenever you blog. I want that plugin now.
- It is still not the silver bullet. I want user/page level wiki control over what my skin and sidebar and back- and x-links look like and where they are etc. Sure, it's nice to create the content, but I want to hijack my user page with a new logo or different color scheme without editing php as the uber user.
- I am too lazy to write that up. Please write it for me and have it in my in-basket pronto.