May 2008 Archives
I didn't realize that my test installation of Moveable Type would induce severe tool envy in my wife Cpu, but it did. As she explains it,
"Imagine you drive taxi. All your life, you have been saving up for a used taxi. You come home, and your spouse tells you they just decided to buy themself a new Mercedes cab, just for fun."
This on the heels of her Mother's Day gift, a python script that takes a Typepad text export file (in Moveable Type import/export format) and posts the entries to Blogger.
Guys are better at solving your problems then they are listening to your feelings, and I did a pretty good job of solving the Typepad => Blogger problem. Just didn't extrapolate completely. Also, she had not mentioned her dream of hosting Moveable Type somewhere for free, or we could have worked something out.