August 2008 Archives

Dork Olympics

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I skipped womens' gymnastics tonight, instead engaging in one of my dork activities, compiling and fiddling with software. I think I took home a bronze.

You can instead take home my windows installer for the gccxml compiler.
gccxml-0.9.0-win32-x86.exe [sig] [my gpg public key]

Work has been kicking me in the ass. Specifically, I want to use some libraries that work with the game and tools from python. Since I had an awesome (by which I mean fast as hell) time binding the Xbox 360 development libraries with ctypes via gccxml, I thought it would be just that easy this time around.

Enter boost.

Lollapalooser Day3

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Feed kids breakfast. Make coffee. Get paper. Hustle kids and Cpu into the car in time to make our 9:30 am Evanston play date. Meet up with friends and talk about the Radiohead set. Al is disappointed that I didn't like the set. He spent the night outside on the sidewalk avoiding the cops, who apparently kept patrolling and kicking people off the sidewalk so they couldn't listen. Didn't sound like a good use of my tax dollars, enforcing a business's policies.

Lollapalooser Day2

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Iced coffee. Girls and I wake up and shake it over to the Oak Park farmer's market. Catch some folk music at the circle. Donuts were had. Cpu and Bpu hit the OPRF book sale. Ipu and I walk back alone and have a chat. She is chatty these days. Can't figure out what she's saying though. Text messages start to arrive from yesterday. Ironic, considering that AT&T, my provider, is co-sponsoring Lolla along with Budweiser. Bad press certainly to follow.

Lollapalooser Day1

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I am so old and tired, I left each of the 3 nights of Lollapalooza early. And I totally enjoyed myself each night. Which means I must be too old to rock.

Split work at 3:10 pm. Got water bottles and picked up the Green Line at Clinton. Grossed out by idiot frat boy spitting chew into a cup. Exit Adams and Wabash. Follow other lemmings to Congress Parkway, across from the big gate. Impossible to cross there. Proceed south to Balbo. No lines, make it quickly through gate. Proceed, slightly late, to Black Joe and the Honeybears at the BMI stage.

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