Hack and Slash

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It's been a long time since I've sat down to a face-to-face roleplaying game, and I the last time I had the good luck to play was February 27, 2005. It lasted 8 hours. I had a great time with good people and thoroughly enjoyed myself. There was good food and snacks. And I had Cheetos.
The downside is that we played a classic role playing game with dice and stats promoted above character and participation. A good example of a classic RPG is  Dungeons & Dragons. That ritual typically involves:
  • Rolling dice and summing them up to create a semi-random set of attribute statistics (Stats or Atts) for an alter-ego.
  • Buying and eating Cheetos
  • Drinking beer, wine, Mountain Dew, or other treasured beverage.
  • Virtual shoppping in the newly-formed character's game world
    • For example, stocking up on crampons.
  • Eating takeout food.
  • Pretending to care about your character's story instead of his equipment or skills or powers.
There are other variations on the idea. I rather recommend the Amber Diceless Role Playing Game (ADRPG).

True to ADRPG form, after knocking out the stats, I wrote a short story blurb from the POV of my character. It set some hooks up, set the tone I wanted to play.

I was unable to stick to the character during the game though, and eventually cought myself counting hit points, pushing to use hooks in the story that I hadn't bought stats for, and wishing really that I were playing ADRPG.

I need to run an Amber game and train the players, retrain myself until I have the right crew.

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