I Was a Giant Lego Person

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Dude, I love Legos.

One year, I made a pair of cardboard Lego people torsos and legs for Cpu and I. They were in proportion, so the legs stopped at the knees (if you kneeled, it looked like you were standing). Arms and heads also stuck out. We wore duck-yellow caps and mittens, and did big black eyes and smiles. I built and painted them the last minute. Imagine the smell.

The Castro neighborhood in Frisco used to have a giant gay halloween street festival. We drove (and drove and drove) until we found parking by Dolores park, donned our costumes, and proceeded through the rain to Castro. The drawbacks to being a giant Lego person became immediately apparent.
  • Nobody knew what the fuck we were. Ok, one girl figured it out. That's one in the whole evening.
  • Cardboard and rain = limp costume.
  • Giant cardboard body in a packed bar = inconvenient access to booze.

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