Recent Trip to Frisco

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When I'm not working, I'm vacationing. And vacation means fracturing a friend's spine, and letting Bpu get mauled by our old neighbor dog.
Mauled is a little harsh; during a visit with our former downstairs neighbor, Bpu fell over while petting his partner's 15-year-old lab. The lab snarled and bit her ear. There may have been some shaking of bitten ear.

We were stunned; this is a friendly dog that we all knew, and she had already made friends with the dog before she fell over. Our neighbor quickly let us in to wash up the blood, peroxide and ice the ear. There were 2 long slashes behind her ear which quickly stopped bleeding. Awkward visit.

Also awkward was our post Mission Dolores adventure. At our friend's good suggestion, we headed up to the adult slides on 19th and Seward. We picked up some cardboard boxes, and proceeded to the cement playground slides. Cement, it should be noted, is very firm. This particular pair of slides, being on a steep hill in Frisco, is very fast. The slides end about 2 feet above the ground. An adult shooting down such a slide on a box moves quickly, and drops quickly.

Dropping an adult onto cement at high speed, it turns out, can cause a spinal compression fracture. We were very lucky that it wasn't anything worse, since we moved the adult into the car to get her to the emergeny room. The lady next door informed us that Ambulances were common to said park. It takes 6 weeks to heal a compression fracture. Side effects may inlude incontinence. It is also painful enough to require narcotic pain killers.

When we weren't injuring anybody, we enjoyed camping out at our friend's Irving Street apartment, going to a wedding, hanging out in the company of friends, eating some delicious meals, and waiting in the long (and very warm) lines in the Oakland Airport. I played lots of Sid Meier's Pirates for Xbox.

As of today, Bpu and the injured adult are doing best they can.

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