The Next Baby Comes Soon

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Yes, we are having another baby, Cpu is due at the end of this freaking month. We didn't have our baby yet, but she is due to arrive very soon.
I didn't realize it, but being unavailable and sick is very similar to being unavailable and having a baby. To those that only contact you by phone and e-mail, especially so.

I say this, because I had a really nice long phone call with a good friend, which I now realize since I've been sick and unavailable, could also have been checking in to see if we had the baby. Apologies to anyone I haven't replied to recently. Do not be alarmed yet. I am not having the baby yet. I am sick.

Actually, I was sick twice. The same sick. New Year's Chicago-land sick bug bites again. Maybe it never left. I thoughtfully kept going to work on the days I could function in order to strengthen the collective immune system of my company. And save my sick days, which are actually billed as personal time off days, for when the baby comes. Also, miraculously, I got better just in time for big-time sheepshead. Is there a higher power?

Also, a reminder to my peeps, both listed and unlisted, I changed my phone number awhile back to a local area code. Of course, stupidly, I never sent out e-mail or called everyone. So, e-mail me if you need it.

All this begs the question, what-oh-what 'pu' word will I describe the new baby as when it arrives?
  • Bpu2?
  • Ipu (for infant)?
  • Promote (b-for-baby) Bpu to (t-for-toddler) Tpu, and reserve Bpu for incoming?
  • Ppu for the never-ending pee and poop about to ensue?
I am sure you all have strong opinions on the matter. This is mission-critical stuff here.

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