Baby Is Here

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iPu and Cpu doing ok. Baby is happy and healthy, nursing ok, awaiting results of GBS test. 7lb 14 oz. and 21 inches long, February 7, 11:17 pm.

Cpu's bag broke February 7th, 5:15 pm. Cpu contacted my inlaws, who were in the area working, and they came buy afterwards to watch Bpu. Early labor persisted until about 8:30 pm. Cpu was pretty active, talking, cooking through contraptions until about 8:00. Dinner, muffins, and a coleslaw salad were made during the day. Not to mention the Bpu needed tending.

I called Chicago doula at onset of active labor, about 8:30, and Cpu took a shower while I cleaned up the kitchen and dining room. Then we worked together on hypnosis. Cpu needed a lot of counter pressure, and believed that the baby needed turning. Unable to turn baby with positioning. Chicago doula arrived at 9:30 pm, and after about 15 minutes informed us that we should get to the birthing center. In between contraptions, we got Cpu's coat, hat, etc. on. It is very cold here right now. I split extra stuff with Chicago doula and put it all in the car.

The green choo choo did not start. Did I mention that it is cold out and my wife is in active labor?
Lucky us, we were able to put everything we needed into my inlaws' car, and off we went. When we arrived, we parked in a ramp and made our way to the bridge to the hospital.

The bridge was locked shut.

Lucky us, a kind staffer asked us if we needed help. Maybe it was Cpu's screams and her hands-and-knees posture that clued them in. Staffer let us in with their security badge, and off we went. I would like to point out that the security inside the hospital and around the babies is very tight.

We made it to the birthing center, and were greeted by the on-duty midwife and a gaggle of nurses. They could hear us before we made it to the front desk. When they asked 'Cpu, do you think you can make it?', she replied that she couldn't. We skipped the check-in, triage, and any waiting around and went straight to pushing. That meant we didn't have time for antibiotics or pain relief or nuthin.

About an hour and twenty minutes later, baby was almost out. Posterior even. The heartbeat was flagging, so midwife suggested an episiotomy. Amazingly, Cpu was game for it. Could not push out baby. Another cut applied. iPu was out almost all at once on the next contraption, and that was that.

There's more to the story, but I need to eat, shower, and get back to mom and baby.

2007-02-10 Update:
* Cpu points out she didn't wear any mittens, so this was corrected to 'hat'.
* I know the difference between contractions (correct spelling) and contraptions (the usage borrowed from the movie The Snapper).
* my inlaws were kind enough to drive me to a nearby car parts store to replace my apparently frozen-solid battery. The green choo choo works well again.

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