Stranger Than Fiction

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A good movie.

Stranger than the movie itself, while watching the ending credits, noticed that Britt Daniel did the music. I immediately say to Cpu that it has to be Katie's brother of Spoon fame. Cpu doubts for a second, but there can't be more than one Britt. And the music seems to fit, although to my chagrin, I haven't listend to any Spoon besides the tape Katie gave us in 1997. We used to work with Katie when ILivedInBeijing. We think to ourselves, neat.
Confirmed as I counted the Spoon tracks at the end of the movie, 6. And doubly confirmed as I discover that Britt has his own Wikipedia page that mentions the film. I do like some Interpol, I think to myself, taking in his work credits, but less than I like Joy Division. And there's the Origin reference, which he was nice enough to reply to my e-mail about when I was trying to figure the whole career thing out. Thanks!

I wondered if the music editor Lowery on the film is any relation to the. I probably mis-read the name. Who knows.

I see now that StatCounter doesn't lie; fame comes from being a rock star, not from posting on the web or getting your patch into Bugzilla. Makes me feel small. It makes the world of film seem both glamorous and a little more approachable. Makes me wonder where Katie and all the Beijing people are!

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