Need a Layout Clue

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My TiddlyWiki is starting to look atrocious. The irony is, all the time I spent fucking around with QuarkXPress and Photopoop haven't helped my design sense at all.
It's like, the more you add to the page, the harder it is to organize it. It doesn't help that TiddlyWiki comes with an entire panel of the layout devoted to operating the thing.

Memo to myself: fix the fucking layout.

September 3, 2007: scrapped. Fixing the layout is a waste of time; the nature of TiddlyWiki makes it more like a chose-your-own-adventure, and less like a blog. Fixing the layout won't change the design of the software and garner user-readers. Users who land in the TiddlyWiki land because they have interesting searches, but not ones that google can land you on.

Parsing the file into a giant HTML file that has #pound_anchored_links in it would do more for usability, assuming you could force robots to spider that one instead.

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