Sweet Home Chicago

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Well, more like Oak Park. We closed the Deal; sellers missed some asbestos (they are fixing) but stole our window air-conditioners (debating). Bpu continues our tour of Chicago-land hot dog joints by approaching melt-down, which you can read all about.
iPu was great during the closing, very talkative, and very little crying. She has already splashed her lunch over the floors of sweet home chicago. Bpu was mercifully with a sitter during the closing (thank you baby sitting co-op!), and has already splashed around in the yard in her frog pool.

I have to say, all parts of our transaction were so much smoother than our first home buying experience:
  • Our buyer's agent's company did not fold a week before close, therefore our agent was present at close.
  • Our banks did not merge databases the day of our transaction, therefore our wire transfers all completed the day of close.
  • Our inspector did a thorough job with myself present through the entire inspection, therefore there were no hidden surprises.
  • No co-owners or co-tenants
  • Nice seeming neighbors, not bums and needle users.
  • Enough money for downpayment on our own.
  • Lawyer struck some fees from closing costs, wrassled sellers into finishing the 'sbestos removal.

Advice, if any:
  • send the sewer camera through the catch basin (you will never regret that inspection).
  • wire the money ahead of time (no surprises, get keys timely fashion)
  • take more time and your contract through the final walk-through.

Cpu and I spent the evening prioritizing our todo items for the house, and the inspection points. Lots of fun fixing up ahead! Yo ho, yo ho, a repair man's life for me!

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