Tip of the Hat

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Here's to the user who pointed out that you can debug scons using eclipse if you use the extension-less python script as your entry point. Thank god.
Here's my short crib sheet for this on windows, based on his:
  • Add File Associations for SConstruct and SConscript and set them to pydev editor.
  • Your project needs to have the pydev nature, so make a new python project and import folders from scons and your toolpath with appropriate names instead of copying anything.
  • You can link files in eclipse 3.2, so do that with c:\pythonXX\scripts\scons and rename it as scons.py
  • Set some breakpoints in your SConstruct or SConscript
  • Fixup your project's PYTHONPATH to include the c:\pythonXX\scons-X.XX folder.
  • Right-clicked on 'scons.py', Debug As ... -> Python Run
In the debug view, you can explore tasty things like env._dict which is full of your construction variables and builders, or shudder in awe as you still hit the *** maximum recursion depth reached without throwing an exception with a line number that you can jump to.

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