Gary Gygax Haiku

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You probably already know that Gary Gygax is dead. What you don't want to know, is that upon hearing the news, I immediately wanted to compose a clever haiku on the subject.
Being the geek that I am, I terminated this thought mid-process, and figured that someone on the web might have already written some. Not only was I disturbingly proved correct, but I was happy to skip writing mine. Use the search engine of your choice to discover the inane, profane, and profound poetry his death has brought us.

Funny story is, after showing the cream of the haiku crop to Mr. Fortress Crack Master, he instantly pointed out that they were all missing a seasonal reference and some other features of true haiku. Which I had noticed. Turns out Mr. Fortress Crack Master has a poetry degree in his past. What a well-rounded mo'fo!

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