Processing Builds OK

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Still working on my generative art homework. Set up eclipse to pull the processing via svn, and configured a builder to run with MinGW's (or was it MSYS's) sh.exe and an appropriate PATH variable. It seems like it built ok, but the output gets clobbered by the messages from shell script about finding quicktime java. What I don't know now, is how to make-install. Maybe that's the other But I still have to poke at it and make art.

I have to say, I'm a little disheartened to see that it's java. I mean, I've been avoiding editing my TiddlyWiki with java, or learning any java. Just like I've been avoiding Ruby. I get this idea that java developers are tired of writing all this fucking java, which is why they love rails. But I haven't felt compelled to learn either.

I'm hoping this funk will pass, and I'll be able to set aside my anti-learning-java mindset. At least I've got a full featured java ide, right?

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