SCons Verdict

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Lurking on the Scons users mailing list, It's frustrating seeing things get both better, and the same. Well, after something like 5 years of following SCons, I still have to say, its main drawbacks are still that it's slow to start up and run, and confusing to start working with.
In general, the development philosophy is good, and then user base is broad, and the way it's made encourages flexibility. But it's really hard to get over the learning curve coming from any other build tool, and things just don't work as you either expect or as they're documented.

I don't know what's needed most: better documentation, a setup wizard, a Scons for dummies (like the 'Perforce for CVS users'), or work-alikes for each other build tool out there. This last would be a series of stubbed-in, dumbed down interfaces for classic make or rake or ant.

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