mt FTS (for teh suck)

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Sigh. I've been manually bringing in my TiddlyWiki entries in order to prune the garbage, polish the gems, and use the summarizing features of Movable Type. I''ve also been tweaking out the templates. It's got me down.
For one, I want custom column layouts and widgets on the main index.

The whole template structure knows about how many columns you have globally. If you cheat and set column numbers in the sidebar panel based on whether you are on the main index, you end up with broken styles -- the text just doesn't reach over to the sidebar.

Next, I want less widgets per template. Some navigation, but a lot less spamming of links or content. Sparse is better.

I can only imagine, once I am happy with the num and pos of widgets all over, the hell that will be flipping styles on a whim. Do users really use mt successfully? It seems like an awful lot of maintenance.

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