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In other news, people on the street tend to stare at you when you carry a sledgehammer. It does not help if it is in a backpack. If you wear said backpack, you look like you might have an axe or worse.
I conned my coworker into lending me a sledgehammer, in hopes of breaking up the giant concrete ball at the end of the basketball hoop. So far, not doing so good with that.

My pops says that the flag store owner has broken these up with a rentable mini jack hammer. My boss says I could maybe break in in twain with a cold chisel and 4 lb hand sledge. My mom says I could drill little holes in it and then whack at it.

I don't think any of these people have actually broken up a huge ball of concrete. But, having tried most everything, I like the holes + sledge combo. To the store, to get a masonry bit, me thinks.

The cleaning lady came and the house is nice and tidy. And I am painting the upstairs bedroom a pinkish red named Heirloom Rose. It's an eco friendly, non-fuming paint that doesn't cover too well. So I have roller marks and need to do another pass.

The combo of slinging a huge hammer, taping, painting, and beer drinking has worn me down for the evening though.

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