Halloween already? Crap.

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No, I haven't started on my costume. How's yours?

Worse, I haven't started on Bpu's or Cpu's. Ipu is covered - she's going as Toto, and Grandma has already put together and sent out the costume. Memo to self: post cute pictures.

This year we have at least two Halloween-themed events, and trick-or-treat falls on a Friday. I am going to be in so much trouble!

What have I been frittering away all my time doing?
Well, work on the ANTLR maxscript grammar continues. Then there's the curtains, which have all their panels cut out, and the north and south windows are already seamed together, but not pleated, nor cut to size.

There's also home maintenance, like taking down the air conditioners, and finishing the upstairs hand rail.

I am also worthlessly addicted to facebook's Dungeons & Dragons: Tiny Adventures. And if that weren't enough, another season of McDick's Monopoly is upon us.

And best yet, today is Sheepshead night! Rock!

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