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With the dawning of the new year, I did my best to wrangle once-a-week board game lunches at work. The first month was Cthulu Munchkin once a week, and February it was DOMINION.
It turns out that with 4-6 players and a bag of Cheetos, Munchkin is easy enough to play, but takes more than 1 hour of lunch break typically. This is after 4 weeks of play, so we mostly have the rules down. The cultist rules actually took awhile to sink in: you don't always become a cultist - and when you stop being a cultist, you have to preserve the special stack of cultist cards. In the end, we ignored the rules and just became cultists whenever we wanted.

Of note: Cthulu was nullified each time he came up, even when we switched to Star Munchkin. And jokes, card reading, tended to stretch out the time.

DOMINION worked out much better: only the first game had to go over 1 hour, and the following games had a newbie each week, and were as long or as short as we wanted to play. Dominion turns out to be incredibly fun and rewarding, and very easy to pick up. Not particularly easy to master combos of cards, but fun getting there.

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend either of these games, with DOMINION winning by an edge: it has a very Cosmic-Encounter-meets-Magic-the-Gathering vibe, where each game differs by which cards are in use, and how they are played, without the complications of either (most rules available on the cards themselves).

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