Focus on forward

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'Forward' is Wisconsin's motto. I'm doing my best to take that to heart, since the recent Day 1 Studios layoffs.

I found out on Friday afternoon after lunch, then had a weekend full of awesome busy family events.

My brain digested the results, and there's a couple of hard realities to adapt to:

  • There isn't as much game production in Chicago as there used to be (it was slim to begin with).
  • The weekly expected hours of labor for in-the-trench video game work is at direct odds with having a family.

With these two facts firmly in mind, I've been considering work outside my focus on games in order to stay local, and I've been considering work in games outside of Chicago.

The first two days of unemployment have been amazingly busy and rewarding, and I'm really looking forward to new challenges and opportunities. It remains to see how the family handles everything.

Thanks for your support, and wish me luck!

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